Whitewashing Blackface and Whistling Dixie : The Commemoration of Dan Emmett

Bibliographic Citation, Historical Memory

Irwin Iwona-Zarecka calls those who seek to preserve a memory of the past "memory activists." Geographers Owen Dwyer and Derek Alderman use the term "memorial entrepeneurs" to emphasize the kind of work and initiative that is required to create and maintain resources that keep certain events or people from the past present in contemporary life. Pierre Nora, a seminal figure in memory studies, developed the term "sites of memory" to characterize those resources--monuments, street names, archival collections--that bring certain pasts into the present. For more see Irwin Iwona-Zarecka, Frames of Remembrance: The Dynamics of Collective Memory (Routledge, 2007); Owen Dwyer and Derek Alderman, Civil Rights Memorials and the Geography of Memory (Center for American Places at Columbia College, 2008); Pierre Nora, Les Lieux de Memoire (Gallimard, 1997).

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